If you are considering registering a trademark in China, it is important to work with a reputable law firm such as Wolster & Co. to ensure that the process goes smoothly. Our team of experienced Chinese lawyers and attorneys are here to guide you through every step of the process, from conducting a thorough trademark search to filing the application and defending your trademark if necessary.
To register a trademark in China, you will need to follow these steps:
Conduct a trademark search: Before you apply to register your trademark, it is essential to conduct a thorough search of the trademark database to ensure that your trademark is not already in use by another company. Our team of Chinese-speaking solicitors at Wolster & Co. can help you with this process.
Choose the appropriate classification: China uses the Nice Classification system to classify trademarks. Our experienced attorneys can help you choose the appropriate class for your trademark based on the goods or services you offer.
File a trademark application: Our team of Chinese lawyers can help you file a trademark application online through the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) website or through a registered trademark agent. You will need to provide the following information:
A clear and accurate representation of the trademark
The name and address of the applicant
The class and description of the goods or services for which the trademark will be used
A list of countries where the trademark has already been registered, if applicable
Wait for a decision: Once you have filed your application, the CNIPA will review it to make sure it meets all the necessary requirements. If the application is approved, your trademark will be published in the Trademark Gazette. If it is opposed by any third parties, you may need to defend your trademark through a hearing process. Our team of Chinese attorneys at Wolster & Co. are well-equipped to handle any challenges that may arise during this process.
Pay the registration fee: If your trademark is approved, you will need to pay the registration fee to complete the process. Our team at Wolster & Co., a reputable law office in China, can help you navigate this process and ensure that everything is completed correctly.
Overall, registering a trademark in China can be a complex and time-consuming process. By working with our team of experienced Chinese lawyers and attorneys at Wolster & Co., you can feel confident that your trademark registration is in good hands.